JESCO conducts a large number of customised market studies each year. The studies address a wide range of issues including market size, growth and structure, value and supply-chain issues, validating propositions,identifying customers, inter-material competition and competitive intelligence. JESCO conducts customised market studies on products and services bought or sold by the plastics industry in a business-to-business environment. The majority of the market studies conducted by JESCO are in Europe, the Middle East and North America, but other regions are also addressed.
To ensure valid results from a market study it is necessary to have robust methodology: JESCO shares with its clients the methodology it proposes to use as part of the pre-contract process and because of the experienced nature of its consultants is routinely successful in generating results which meet or exceed client expectations. Often market studies require feedback obtained directly from customers and JESCO is in an exceptionally strong position to gather such information because of the quality of its processor databases and the large numbers of people attending its conferences. Another key to successful outcomes is the level of starting knowledge and here again JESCO is in a privileged position having a large portfolio of published material and its own market databases developed from over 25 years of research and analysis.